Babies stick out their tongues for many reasons, and sometimes, for no apparent reason at all. A baby who sticks out their natural language may be hungry, full, or not similar a sure food.

Babies may also stick out their tongue to imitate or get a response from their parent or caregiver. Knowing a babe's habits at a particular age can help determine why they stick out their tongue.

This commodity outlines the reasons why babies may stick out their tongues. Information technology also explains when sticking out the tongue may signal a cause for concern.

A baby wearing blue is seen sticking his tongue out. Share on Pinterest
Sticking out the tongue is normal for babies and does not often bespeak an underlying medical status.

A baby'south habits, sensation, and ability to copy adult behaviors change with historic period. Babies below 6 months may stick out their tongue instinctively, while babies above this age may do it intentionally.

Babies under 6 months

For babies nether 6 months of age, the most common reasons for sticking out the tongue include natural reflexes, hunger, and genetic differences.

Tongue thrust reflex

The tongue thrust reflex is when a baby automatically extends its tongue in response to something touching the lips. This reflex makes information technology easier for immature babies to consume when an developed offers milk from the breast or canteen.

The tongue thrust reflex unremarkably lasts upwards until the infant is 4 to 6 months old. A parent or caregiver should non offering a baby solid foods until this reflex has disappeared. Even so, most babies volition not need solid foods until they are 6 months one-time.


Young babies often stick out their tongues when they are hungry. Parents and caregivers may also find the baby rooting for nutrient. The infant may turn its caput in 1 direction, open up its mouth, and then exercise the same while facing the other direction.

Genetic differences

Congenital atmospheric condition are conditions that are present from birth. Sure congenital atmospheric condition may cause babies to have larger tongues than typical. This may cause the tongue to stick out of the mouth.

This is unlike from when a babe sticks the tongue out on purpose. Babies with conditions such every bit Down syndrome and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome may have a tongue that protrudes from the mouth most of the time, along with other signs and symptoms.

Genetic differences are the least likely reason for babies to stick out their tongues. In virtually cases, thrusting the natural language out is not a sign that the kid has whatever genetic differences.

Babies over 6 months

At around 6 months old, babies also develop some communication skills, meaning they may intentionally stick out their tongues.

A baby may stick out its tongue to imitate an older child or adult, get a reaction from a parent or caregiver, or signal hunger.


Most babies begin imitating uncomplicated developed behaviors when they are around 8 months of age. Nevertheless, premature babies and those with developmental delays may brainstorm imitating slightly afterwards.

A infant may stick out its tongue to imitate an older child or adult or behaviors, such as talking or kissing.

Getting a reaction

Babies require attention and are continually learning near relationships with the people they encounter. A baby may stick out its tongue to test the reaction information technology gets from a particular person.

If an adult laughs in response to the baby sticking out its tongue, the baby might practice it more often. However, some babies might go along to stick out their tongues even if an adult is disapproving because they are curious about developed behavior.


Some babies learn that sticking out their tongue gets them food. They may continue to do this even when they can signal hunger in other ways.

There are several reasons a infant may stick their tongue later feeding. To make up one's mind the crusade, a parent or caregiver may need to consider other aspects of the baby'south trunk language.

Below are some reasons a baby may stick its tongue out after feeding.

Signaling fullness

Once total, a babe may turn its head abroad from food or refuse to accept more to eat. Some babies try to push food out of their mouths past sticking out the tongue.

Signaling hunger

There are times when a baby might still be hungry even though they accept simply eaten. This may happen during breastfeeding if the person nursing is not producing enough milk, or if the babe did non go enough to eat.

Babies of different ages may display a range of signs that they are hungry. Some examples include:

Babies below 6 months of age:

  • rooting
  • opening their mouth
  • smacking their lips
  • balling up their fists
  • crying

Babies over six months of historic period:

  • reaching for nutrient
  • getting excited about the sight of food
  • crying
  • using signs or mitt motions to indicate hunger

Signaling dislike of food

Some babies stick out their tongues when they dislike a new food. Information technology is normal for babies who are trying solids to reject new foods.

A parent or caregiver should never force a baby to eat. Instead, people should continue introducing a wide range of healthful foods. Many babies have to endeavour a food multiple times before they similar information technology.

A babe sticking out his or her natural language does not typically bespeak that something is incorrect.

However, some neurologically different children may stick out their tongues in situations where other babies would non.

A person should consider taking the babe to see a pediatrician if they frequently stick out their tongue for no apparent reason, and display other developmental differences.

Any alter in a baby's beliefs may also warn of an issue. For example, a baby who continuously shows signs of hunger immediately after nursing may not be getting enough breastmilk or formula. Alternatively, the babe may be having trouble arresting diet from their food.

Behavioral changes that occur following a blow to the head or other trauma may signal an emergency. A baby who experiences trauma of any kind should receive firsthand medical attention.

During the beginning year of a babe's life, parents or caregivers will attend regular appointments with a pediatrician. A person can utilise these appointments to hash out behavior changes and ask most signs of normal infant development.

Sometimes, a parent or caregiver may need to seek medical communication outside of a scheduled appointment. Always phone call a doctor if a baby displays any of the following:

  • constant signs of hunger, particularly if they are breastfeeding and parents or caregivers practise not know how much they are eating
  • sticking the natural language out in addition to problem swallowing or feeding
  • behavior changes that do not take whatever clear crusade
  • signs of physical discomfort

A person should go to the emergency room if a baby'south beliefs changes significantly during or following an injury, fever, or illness.

Many people may detect parenting stressful, particularly as babies cannot clearly communicate what they are feeling.

Babies stick out their tongues for many reasons, such as to signal hunger, fullness, or dislike of a certain food. Babies over six months of age may stick out their tongue intentionally as a ways of imitating or communicating with their parent or caregiver. However, often there is no clear cause.

It is normal for babies to stick their tongues on. It is rarely a sign of an underlying medical status that requires attention. Parents and caregivers who are worried nigh their infant's beliefs or development should contact a pediatrician for communication.